This is the 5th edition of our 'meet the players' blog, This time we meet one of our Medway favourites, and today is his 22nd birthday!

Name: Charlie Bubb
League Location: Medway
Age: 22
Nationality: English
Favourite EJMSL Sport: Darts
Seasons Played: 4
Sports Played: Badminton, Darts, Pool, Snooker & Table tennis
EJMSL Titles: 0
Best MSL Finish: 2nd (Spr/Sum 2020)
Most Played Opp: Mark Grimwood & Paul Daniels (PL 7)
Favourite Opponent: Nick Leeks (PL 3 , W 3 (10-2))
Worst Opponent: Paul Daniels (PL 7, W 0, D 3, L 4)
Strongest Sport: Darts - Win rate 73% (PL 11, W 8, D 2, L 1)
Current Match Record: PL 53 (W 24 , D 7 , L 22 )
Why did you join?
I joined the league so I could play my sports at a competitive and enjoyable level, but also have the flexibility of when to play. When I saw that the games could be arranged at any time and any day, I knew it was perfect for me, due to my work pattern. It was too good to turn down!
Which sports have you competed in?
I've competed in the darts, snooker, pool, table tennis & badminton. My best 3 are without a doubt darts, snooker and pool, probably in that order too!
What do you enjoy most about playing in the leagues?
The thing I enjoy most about playing in the leagues, is the people. Its always a lot of fun playing the sports with your opponents and its rare you get that level of competitiveness we play at too.
Why would you recommend EJMSL to others?
I would definitely recommend the leagues to anyone wanted to play their chosen sports. Its the most well run league I've ever played in. The tables are always up to date, sometimes almost immediately after a result, and always within 24 hours max. Its easy to keep track of results, and its always clear what matches you've got left to play.
What was your best performance / favourite match?
My favourite match in the leagues to date, was against Scott Mead in the snooker premier league. He beat me 2-0 in the season before, so I knew it was going to be a tough match. It went to the final frame, and that meant I would either win or draw the match. It ended up going to the final black, and I ended up potting it to take the match 3-1.
If you could add 1 sport / event that isn't currently available, what would you pick?
I would love to see a footgolf league. I've played it a few times with friends and its extremely fun, it would be great to play in a league.
Why should people play sport?
I believe one of the best hobbies you can have is to play sport. It allows you to shutoff from anything that may be causing your stress, such as work or studies etc. and it keeps your body and mind healthy!
Do you have any aims for any of the leagues, or anything you'd like to achieve?
I would love to win the Multi-Sports League, and to qualify for the champion of champions tournament. I would love to play in these leagues for as long as my body allows me to do so!
Lastly, what's your message to everyone reading this?
My final message to anyone reading or interested in joining EJMSL is; just do it! I truly believe that this is the best league around, especially with the multi-sports league, which I've not seen anywhere else!
Thanks so much Charlie, so glad to hear you're enjoying the leagues, your kind words mean the world. Thank you.
